about this blog

sorry this blog currently sucks to a large degree. endless hardware issues, the fact that i'm still a noob when it comes to web 2.0, circumstance, and personal laziness all mash up into this ragged, semi-random site. mostly---when i'm not having to use hardware and/or an os that's new to me (or absent because i have no working hardware at all)---i'm experimenting with layout, gadgets, linking, reblogging, and so on.
in fact, i just tried reblogging yesterday. since i use twitter more than anything but igoogle, i assumed "reblog" was like "retweet," that it would be obvious that i was featuring someone else's work.

but no. huh. gonna have to tinker with that.

sometimes i'm pleased with what pops out of my explorations, sometimes i'm not but can't tweak it and so have to remove it. which i do at once, unless i have to get off the net for some reason. (gotta give back the loaner laptop, gotta share the front room dinosaur, my iphone's being weird or it's being borrowed by my son, our new router is inexplicably slowing to a crawl. and on. and on. and on.)

all this, and the fact that i've lost massive amounts of writings and images this year (some of it going back 20 years) makes me cautious about doing much more actual writing yet-- though i have, apparently, more to say about damn near everything than any human should be allowed to say in ten lifetimes. probably most of this year will be experimenting interspersed with some pissing and moaning about my losses.

if this blog doesn't somehow vaporize, i might have something rich and worth a look by the time i'm well on my way traveling and taking photos of it.


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