Government Fail
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Government Fail
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Picture by: Justin Kennedy. Submitted by: Justin Kennedy via Fail Uploader
This fail picture or video was posted on Monday, September 28th, 2009 at 1:00 am
» 133 Failures in Communication
boiled says:
what is that “i´m first” shit all about? it sucks ass soooo bad!!!
MRN ♂ says:
You can’t fight City Hall – unless you’re also City Hall.
jam says:
Do you think they’ll use Sue Yoo?
Replybooz says:
But the government always Fails
kannadzuki says:
Right, who needs schools, police, firemen, roads, libraries, national defense and other useless stuff like that?
ronin410 says:
more like: cash for clunkers, endless bailouts, fannie mae & freddie mac, HHS budget of $700+ billion per year. And an average federal hiring salary of $70k per year. Oh yeah and Congressmen get FULL pensions after just 1 term.
Dina says:
Well, seeing as the screenshot is from an Australian tv network, I don’t think US-specific programs apply.
We could talk about intervention in indigenous communities, failures in public hospitals and Wayne Swan’s idiocy instead, if you’d like.
kannadzuki says:
I agree with everyone that there is tons to complain about– I just took issue with people implying it’s the very *existence* of government that causes problems we face in all our respective countries. Even full-out libertarians recognise the need for *some* services from government.
—Beware- blog & news junkie mini-rant ahead:
IMO, we may complain all we want, but if we don’t* get together in big numbers to put real pressure (phone calls, open letters, protests, boycotting companies affiliated with corrupt lobbies, &c.) on politicians, they’ll keep getting away with the BS their friends ask and lobbyists pay them to pull on us.*Of course, I think a large part of the blame for public sheep-dom lies with the media’s utter failure to give people reliable and RELEVANT information from multiple points of view. Thankfully, blogs are starting to fill that gap.
Take care, all.
Python fan says:
That’s right! What have the Romans ever done for us?
Judean People's Front says:
I still prefer the Romans over the People’s Front of Judea
Guess Again says:
Yeah – splitters!
The Moomin says:
I reckon Arnie has travelled back from the future to sue himself for messing up California.
How will they know if they won or lost?
MRN ♂ says:
Whichever agency runs out of money first is the loser.
The lawyers have pledged that they will fight it out to the last dime.
The agency to get the least stimulus money to support the legal costs is the loser.
Oh wait. The correct answer is neither is the loser. The loser is the taxpayer![]()
Spiderman 3 says:
How long can any government fight the darkness… before they find it in itself?
daniel says:
an aussie fail! yay.
P.S. comments on fail blog are stupid, they never comment on the fail, you idiots just start a chain off whatever the 1st poster said
Child take a tour through ht tp:// .
It may help you understand what this site is about.MRN ♂ says:
Tell me more about the fail, George – I mean, Daniel.
Siberias says:
It’s good for us aussies to get some exposure every now and again.
Arthur Eld says:
So you’re saying we would be less stupid if our conversation goes something like this:
“Stupid government, sueing itself.”
“Yes, that is a fail!”
“And it’s the taxpayers money they’re wasting!”
…I disagree with you.
VOJ says:
whoa, in a battle like this, no one ever really wins.
hejhula says:
I strongly disagree! This battle is a goldmine for lawyers involved!
ts6788 says:
is this a government fail or a news fail?
MRN ♂ says:
It rips the moral fabric of all society.
ts6788 says:
if government sue itself? who will get the money????????
probiesaurus says:
That channel logo is from an Australian network, yet I haven’t heard of this story. So either I fail at current affairs, or someone wins at faking a believable fail. WHICH IS IT?!?
I googled it. The story may be about Hawaii. I came up with “Kauai Property Tax Revolt: Government Sues Itself and Wins”. It looks like somebody has been in the Maui Wowie.
CitizenofaFAILedstate says:
It’s the New South Wales Govt in Sydney, Australia.
They excel at setting the FAIL bar higher!
Funny thing is that lots of people (especially the libertrarian-leaning kind) will see this as yet another example why “big government” is bad and wasteful – when it is in fact the kind of thing that a big, centralized government usually *prevents*.
In the Libertarian Utopia where all public services are provided by for-profit companies, things that are now intra-government disputes usually settled by a higher authority would have to be resolved in a court *all the time*.
You really have no idea what a Libertarian is, do you.
Gorgon Medusa says:
Actually, he said “libertrarain”
One who advocates the personal liberty and freedom to borrow books.
arimareiji says:
Depends, which kind are you talking about?
The anarchist-sounds-bad-so-we’ll-call-ourselves Libertarians, the government’s-function-is-only-to-defend-us-against-things-individuals-don’t-have-power-to-defend-themselves-against Libertarians, or the government’s-function-is-to-make-minorities-shut-up Libertarians? Just to name a few.
Aaron says:
“In old Russia…..government sues itself!!!!”
And apparently, in Australia, too.
Firefly says:
I guess you flunk current affairs:
New South Wales Environmental Defenders Office sues power plant that’s run by a government-owned corporation.
ht tp://
ShadowTheSniperZombie C.C.C./Head of the Janitors' Union/Co-owner of ZombieTrollNetwork says:
Good Morning (I can’t see my post of good morning earlier)
*Squeeze*Pen0r says:
ShadowTheSniperZombie C.C.C./Head of the Janitors' Union/Co-owner of ZombieTrollNetwork says:
*gets troll club(playing by the rules*
kannadzuki says:
Hey Shadow, how’sitgoing?
It’ll prolly work better to just ignore it. If it finds no host to attach to, it’ll just shrivel up and die.Reply
ShadowTheSniperZombie C.C.C./Head of the Janitors' Union/Co-owner of ZombieTrollNetwork says:
I’m okay but I got homework (limited blog time)
5 eagles/5Finches/1fox/6cats/high5/owl C.C.C. says:
Oxymoron like
“Jumbo shrimp”Blame ourselves, Storm Ondoy leave the muddy place in the Philippines. BTW, Copenhagen Summit is coming soon!!!
*puts CO2 to General’s a**s*
*fart to Admiral Apparent*
*plants trees with CCC*If you hire a new lawyer, your new lawyer should take care of the process of getting your file from your former lawyer and getting any necessary substitution of counsel filed with the court.
You can hire any lawyer you want, as long as they’re licensed to practice in the court where your case is pending, but hiring one near the courthouse can save you from having to pay for your lawyer’s travel time.
Posted via web from iquanyin's posterous