Eradicate Autism Speaks
Welcome to the home of the Autistic Bitch from Hell. You will not find any demeaning psychological jargon here, any self-pitying talk about "symptoms," any tragicomic anecdotes about a bizarre childhood, or any nonsense about being an alien lost in space. Instead, you will find blunt comments on civil rights, neurodiversity, and consciousness-raising. To read more about how I chose my screen name, click here.
Cure This
Pictorial communication for those who disrespect the autistic community and the right of autistic people to exist.
Community and Respect
Protesters Attacked by Flying Burrito Wrap
Segregated Workplaces
Autism Speaks, We Need Answers
Taking to the Streets
Supporting Allies
Alfonso Cuarón Praises Child Rapist
Marc Sirkin, Apologist for Hate
Disabled World editorial blasts Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks Falsely Claims Video Removed
Autism Hub
Autism Hub takes the best in autism related blogging and pulls it all together in one easy-to-access interface.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
ASAN seeks to improve the representation of the autistic community in public policy discussions and to advance the autistic culture movement.
You can support ASAN at
The Autism Acceptance Project
TAAP works to promote acceptance of and accommodations for autistic people in society.
You can support TAAP at Give Back
A Wall Against Hate
Created by Bev at Asperger Square 8
Blogs I Recommend
Some of my favorite neurodiversity-friendly blogs (in no particular order)
- Asperger Square 8
- Aspitude!
- Neurodiversity Weblog
- Ballastexistenz
- This Way of Life
- The Joy of Autism
- Action For Autism
- MOM - Not Otherwise Specified
- The Voyage
- Autism - Natural Variation
- Abnormaldiversity
- Hard Won Wisdom
- The Rettdevil's Rants
- Andrea's Buzzing About
- Shift
- The Autism Crisis
- Whitterer on Autism
- Incorrect Pleasures
- in regione caecorum rex est luscus
- Liv's Journey
- Club 166
- Mom Embracing Autism
- Existence is Wonderful
- One Dad's Opinion
- cripchick’s weblog
- Life With Joey
- Biodiverse Resistance
- A Day in the Life
- Reports from a Resident Alien
- Odd One Out
- Left Brain/Right Brain
- Cat in a Dog's World
- Autist's Corner
- Cheaper Than Therapy
- Even Dumbasses Have Feelings
- Aspie Rhetor
- Comets Corner
- AS Parenting
- autismherd
- Prism*Song
- A Time Will Come...
Sign the Petition!
I am a person, not a puzzle; Autism Speaks does not speak for me.
this organization (autism speaks) sounds more like a scam than a charity. a whopping 4% of the money actually goes to helping the cause? hmmmm.