Famous drug addicts

Drugs are pretty long a human companion especially for some famous people and celebrities. Through history this has been well known and many great scientists, opera divas and artistic geniuses were abusing all sorts of drugs. You probably knew for most of them especially in the world of music this is a common behavior, but here are a few well know famous people for whom you maybe didn’t know that they were drug addicts.

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Sigmund Freud, cocaine

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Andy Warhol – obetrol

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Miles Davis – heroin

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Balzac – caffeine

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Lewis Carroll – opium

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Edith Piaf – all?

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You know that Faulkner was an alcoholic?

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Maria Callas – kuaalyud

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Truman Capote – all kinds of drugs

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Humphrey Davy – nitrous oxide

so calm down with all the drug hysteria, ok?

Posted via web from iquanyin's posterous


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