free service...

This time from a network engineer in Florida:

Thank you for everything that you have done and that you are still doing. I have been fighting with AT&T for three weeks now. I have several current tickets with AT&T engineers and have been promised 3g service now on 5 different dates. Every time I call and complain about crappy service (no phone service, no data service, I can’t do two things at once, etc) they keep telling me that I am in a great coverage area and that I have no problems. After running test on my phone and sending them screen shoots of my phone they finally understand. Their service sucks. They keep telling me that Destin, FL has 3g service per their coverage map. I finally told them they are full of shit and the CSR laughed and finally said that I was right. She even told me that service sucks so bad in Atlanta that she has T-Mobile service.

The dates that they promise me every time come and go. Nov. 16th, Dec. 1st, Dec. 31st, Jan. 1st and now Jan. 13th. I told the engineer that I will not hold my breath and she said if I did I would be holding my breath for a long time. I asked for a copy of AT&T’s coverage map and she was not able to send it to me. Her manager got on the phone and told me the same line of BS, that per their map I have 3g service and was hung up on. I called back and got the same girl. She then put the same manager on the phone. After a total of 6 hours on the phone, nothing changed with my phone service. I have 4 iPhones on my account and they told me that I have bad phones. I have 2 3gs 32 gig phones and 2 3g 16 gig phones. So two different models are bad.

Long email but I want to tell you about the shitty service and line of bull AT&T is giving us. I have lost money and business due to their crappy network. After speaking with the right manager I now have FREE service for all 4 phones till they get 3g in this area and get what their ads say I can do. Can you think of the amount of money that AT&T will lose if we can get everyone to call in and do this? Per their contract they have to provide the service that they promised you when you sign up.

I went out today and bought 2 Verizon Droid phones for my IT company so I do not lose any more money or customers.

Posted via web from iquanyin's posterous


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